Why should you wear a full-face helmet? 

by Jeff Dean / 譯 Johnny Lee



Ask 1.2-million-mile BMW rider Dave Swisher, of Bowling Green, Virginia. That's his helmet after he suffered a crash in West Virginia. Dave came out of it just fine—thanks to his full-face helmet. No facial reconstruction was needed. In fact, because Dave was wearing full gear, he was able to ride home! 

我們訪問了一百零一萬哩長征的 BMW 騎士:住在維吉尼亞 Bowling Green 的 Dave Swisher。上圖是他於維吉尼亞西部遭受一場車禍之後的安全帽。大衛的臉完整的從他的帽子裡出來,並感謝他的全罩帽讓他不需要顏面重建。事實上,大衛還能夠騎車回家的原因是他穿著了完整的全身護具! 

What would have happened had he been wearing a three-quarter helmet or, worse yet, a “shorty?” 



The diagrams above show the impact areas on crash-involved motorcycle helmets. (Source: Dietmar Otte, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Abteilung Verkehrsunfallforschung, Germany.) Note that 35% of all crashes showed major impact on the chin-bar area. This means that if you ride with an open-face helmet, you are accepting only 65% of the protection that could be available to your head. 

上圖表示在車禍時機車安全帽上的衝擊區域。注意 35% 的主要撞擊區都在下巴的區域上。這意謂著如果你騎車時只戴了一頂四分之三罩式安全帽,你只能受到 65% 的保護。 

If you ride with a shorty or half helmet, you are accepting only 39% of the protection you could obtain. You are literally throwing away 61% of the protection you would have had had you chosen a full-face helmet. 

如果你騎車時是戴著一頂面罩更短的安全帽甚至是瓜皮帽,你只有受到 39% 的保護。照字面上來看,你為什麼要放棄 61% 的保護而不選擇一頂全罩式的安全帽呢? 

And, of course, if you ride wearing a “novelty” helmet or no helmet at all then you have none of the protection you could have chosen. 


The choice is yours. 


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